RMC Charitable Foundation

Endometriosis Family Support Group: Webinar with Abby Norman

Friday, April 12th at 12:00 pm PDT Featuring a Discussion with Abby Norman Abby Norman is a science writer based in New England. Her work has been featured in Harper's, The Independent, Literary Hub, Medium, The Rumpus, Mental Floss, Atlas Obscura, and others. Register at https://rmccf.webinarninja.com/live-webinars/96235/register

Alzheimer’s Family and Caregiver Support Group

Riverside Medical Clinic 7117 Brockton Ave, Riverside, CA, United States

Date and Time: Wednesday, May 8th from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.  Speaker: Kerri Brice from Somerford Place of Redlands will be joining us. She will be speaking on Improvisation as a Tool for the Memory Impaired.  Location: Riverside Medical Clinic Lower Level Classrooms 1 & 2; 7117 Brockton Ave., Riverside, CA 92506To RSVP,

Brain Injury/Stroke Family Support Group

Riverside Medical Clinic 7117 Brockton Ave, Riverside, CA, United States

Date and Time: Wednesday, May 15th from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.  Speaker: We will be having a group support discussion. Attendees are invited to share their experiences.  Location: Riverside Medical Clinic Lower Level Classrooms 1 & 2; 7117 Brockton Ave., Riverside, CA 92506

Endometriosis Family Support Group: Endo What? Viewing

Thursday, May 30th at 12:00 pm PDT Our webinar will look a little differently this month, we will be streaming the documentary Endo What? and participating in a live chat room so we can discuss the film as we watch it! Register at https://rmccf.webinarninja.com/live-webinars/111574/register

An Overview of Autism and ABA Therapy with Ira Heilveil, Ph.D.

Part 1 of our 5th Annual Dr. Herman H. Stone Memorial Webinar Series Tuesday, June 4th at 6:00 pm PST An Overview of Autism and ABA Therapy with Ira Heilveil, Ph.D. Ira Heilveil, Ph.D., BCBA-D is a licensed clinical psychologist doctoral level board certified behavior analyst.  He began his career as a clinical child psychologist

Take 30 Webinar with Rebecca Antillon

Rebecca Antillon has worked with Riverside University Health System - Public Health for over 17 years.  She is is currently the Coordinator of the Teen Suicide Awareness and Prevention Program, and is a certified trainer in various gatekeeper training's.  She works with multiple school districts throughout Riverside County, training staff, students and parents on the

A Clinician’s Approach to Autism with Dr. Saito

Part 2 of our 5th Annual Dr. Herman H. Stone Memorial Webinar Series Tuesday, June 11th at 6:00 pm PST A Clinician's Approach to Autism with Dr. Saito Dr. Michael Saito, MD is a pediatric neurologist at Riverside Medical Clinic. He received his medical degree from Keck School of Medicine and has been in practice

Prostate Cancer Family Support Group

Riverside Medical Clinic 7117 Brockton Ave, Riverside, CA, United States

Date and Time: Thursday, June 13th from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.  Speaker: TBD Location: Riverside Medical Clinic Lower Level Conference Rooms 1 & 2; 7117 Brockton Ave., Riverside, CA 92506

Autism and Bullying with Judy French

Part 3 of our 5th Annual Dr. Herman H. Stone Memorial Webinar Series Tuesday, June 18th at 6:00 pm PST Autism and Bullying with Judy French Judy French runs the Los Angeles office of PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center (pacer.org/bullying), where she coordinates outreach and gives presentations to schools, health organizations, and other community groups

Autism and the Educational Environment with Randi Chapluk

Part 4 of our 5th Annual Dr. Herman H. Stone Memorial Webinar Series Tuesday, June 25th at 6:00 pm PST Autism and the Educational Environment with Randi Chapluk Randi Chapluk is the Principal of Special Education at the Riverside County Office of Education Division of Student Programs and Services.    To Register go to https://rmccf.webinarninja.com/live-webinars/112659/register