RMC Charitable Foundation

Kindness Crafts

Kindness Crafts

Kindness Crafts

Kindness Korner Crafts

Join us in spreading kindness throughout our community with Kindness Korner Crafts, a collaboration with the Riverside Public Library! Our crafts are designed to inspire kindness, positivity, mindfulness, and wellness through art. These free, grab-and-go kits offer a fun and convenient way for people of all ages to tap into their creativity while promoting kindness and wellness. 

Crafts are available at participating Riverside libraries the last full week of each month. Due to the limited supply in libraries, you can now download the activity instructions from our website and enjoy completing them at home. 

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay updated on our latest Kindness Korner Crafts and more. Together, let’s make our community a kinder and brighter place! 

Enjoy The Activity Kits At Your Local Library Location, Take A Kit To Go, Or Download Down Below!

All Library Hours

10 am – 6 pm

Tuesday – Sunday

Main Library Extended Hours

Tuesday – Thursday open until 8 pm

Find your local City of Riverside library by clicking the link here.